Source code for rename.Rename_Command

from classes.ChewbaccaCommand import ChewbaccaCommand
from Rename_Program_Chewbacca import Rename_Program_Chewbacca

[docs]class Rename_Command(ChewbaccaCommand): """ Renames sequences in a file with their sampleID and a serial ID#. Useful for simplifying complex naming systems \ into \ human-readable sequence names. In order to ensure the correct sample names are preserved, it is reccomended that \ this command be run immediately after the :ref:`Demux Command`. **Inputs**: * A single fasta/fastq file or a directory containing multiple fasta/fastq files. **Outputs**: * _renamed.<ext> file - A <fasta/fastq> file with the renamed sequences. * .samples file - A :ref:`.samples`. * .mapping file - A :ref:`.mapping`. **Notes**: * In order for the .samples file to correctly list the sample name of the sequences in a file, this command \ should be run immediately after the Demux Command. * The *--clip* parameter tells Chewbacca that trailing _<offset numebr> (from the demuxing command) should not \ be considered part of the sample name when naming sequences. By default this is set to True, and should be fine. If you notice \ parts of your sample names getting clipped off in your .samples file, you should explicitly set this \ parameter to False. * Each input file will have a corresponding .samples, .mapping, and _renamed file. * The .samples file is needed by downstream Chewbacca processes (Building the OTU Table). * The .mapping file is purely for user convenience and record-keeping. **Example**: :: SampleA_0.fasta: @M03292:26:000000000-AH6AG:1:1101:22127:1256 AAAA @M03292:26:000000000-AH6AG:1:1101:22127:1257 AAAT ``$ python rename -i SampleA_0.fasta -o rslt`` :: rslt/SampleA_0_renamed.fasta: @SampleA_ID0 AAAA @SampleA_ID1 AAAT rslt_samples/SampleA_0_renamed.samples: SampleA_ID0 SampleA SampleA_ID1 SampleA rslt_aux/SampleA_0_renamed.mapping: M03292:26:000000000-AH6AG:1:1101:22127:1256 SampleA_ID0 M03292:26:000000000-AH6AG:1:1101:22127:1257 SampleA_ID1 """ supported_programs = [Rename_Program_Chewbacca] default_program = Rename_Program_Chewbacca command_name = "Rename"