Source code for dereplicate.Dereplicate_Command

from classes.ChewbaccaCommand import ChewbaccaCommand
from Dereplicate_Program_Vsearch import Dereplicate_Program_Vsearch

[docs]class Dereplicate_Command(ChewbaccaCommand): """Dereplicates a fasta file by grouping identical reads together under one representative sequence. The number of duplicate/seed sequences each representative sequence represents is given by a 'replication count' at the end of the sequence name in output fasta file. If a .groups file is provided, then previous replication counts will be take in into account (e.g. Imagine a representative sequence X that represents 3 sequences. If X is found to be identical to Y (no a seed for any other sequence) then the new cardinality, or replication count, of X becomes 4. Cardinality are denoted with a suffix of '_K' on the sequence name, where K is the cardinality for the group that sequence represents. **Inputs**: * One or more fasta files to dereplicate. * Optional: :ref:`.groups` - A list of representative names and the names of their seed \ sequences. You likely have one of these files if you've previously run a \ clustering or dereplication command. **Outputs**: * _counts.fasta file - A fasta file with unique sequences and their replication counts. * _derep:ref:`.groups` - A list of representative names and the names of their seed \ sequences. **Notes**: * This command only dereplicates within each fasta file (not across all files). \ This means a sequence in one file will be unique within that file, but might exist in another file. \ To ensure sequences are uniqe across an entire dataset, merge all fasta files into one file, then \ dereplicate that fasta file. It the fasta files each have group files, then make sure you merge those as well. * Each input file will generate a corresponding _count file. * If an input .groups file is not provided, then each input fasta file will generate a new groups file named \ <file_name>_derep.groups. If an input .groups file IS provided, then a single groups file named \ 'dereplicated_updated.groups' will be generated. * The output .groups file is needed by downstream Chewbacca processes (Dereplication, Clustering,\ Building the OTU Table). * The order of sequence names in the \*_counts.fasta and .groups file is arbitrary. **Example**: :: ./ Data.fasta >seq1 AAA >seq2 AAA >seq3 AAAG >seq4_3 AAAGT >seq7 AAAGT test.groups seq4 seq4 seq5 seq6 In the above example, test.groups indicates that seq4 is a sequence that has previously been identified as a representative (in some earlier round of clustering or dereplication). ``$ python dereplicate_fasta -i Data.fasta -o rslt -g test.groups`` :: rslt/Data_counts.fasta: >seq4_4 AAAGT >seq1_2 AAA >seq3_1 AAAG rslt_groups_files/*.groups: seq3 seq3 seq1 seq2 seq1 seq4 seq7 seq6 seq5 seq4 Notice that Data_counts.fasta lists the unique sequences from Data.fasta, and their replication counts. Also notice that seq4 had previous replication data (stored in the Data.groups file). """ supported_programs = [Dereplicate_Program_Vsearch] default_program = Dereplicate_Program_Vsearch command_name = "Dereplicate"