Source code for clean.Clean_Adapters_Command

from classes.ChewbaccaCommand import ChewbaccaCommand
from Clean_Adapters_Program_Flexbar import Clean_Adapters_Program_Flexbar

[docs]class Clean_Adapters_Command(ChewbaccaCommand): """Removes sequencing adapters (and preceeding barcodes) from sequences in input file(s). Sequences should be in the following format: :: <BARCODE><ADAPTER><SEQUENCE><RC_ADAPTER>. Valid ADAPTER sequences, and their reverse-complements (RC_ADAPTER) should be defined separately in a pair of fasta-formatted files. Sequences passed to this command should have already been demultiplexed, as this process will remove the identifying barcode sequences. **Inputs**: * One or more fasta/fastq files to clean. * A single :ref:`.adapters` file * A single :ref:`.adaptersRC` file **Outputs**: * <filename>_debarcoded.<ext> file(s) - <fasta/fastq> files, containing sequences with their leading \ adapters, trailing adapters, and barcodes removed. **Notes**: * Be aware of the program-specific details around 'N' nucleotide characters. **Example**: Given Data_ID#1 with barcode=AGACGC: :: ./ Data.fasta: @Data_ID#1 AGACGCGGWACWGGWTGAACWGTWTAYCCYCCATCGATCGATCGTGRTTYTTYGGNCAYCCNGARGTNTA Data.adapters: >1 GGWACWGGWTGAACWGTWTAYCCYCC Data.adaptersRC: >first TGRTTYTTYGGNCAYCCNGARGTNTA ``$ python trim_adapters -i Data.fasta -o rslt -a Data.adapters -arc Data.adapters_RC`` :: rslt/ Data_debarcoded.fastq: @Data_ID#1 ATCGATCGATCG """ supported_programs = [Clean_Adapters_Program_Flexbar] default_program = Clean_Adapters_Program_Flexbar command_name = "Clean Adapters"